We headed to the farm in early February of this year. Zane and I got up early with the sun to see what early birds were getting their worms. They give themselves away with their warning chirp and the bare limbs of winter trees make the little birds easier to spot. We saw several Cardinals, Mockingbirds, Warblers and two Snowy Egrets in the pasture just behind the house. Zane was fascinated with the way the sun glistened on the dew drops decorating the weeds as if they were bejeweled queens. Their glistening beauty reminded me of God's love for us. How He cleanses us, transforms us. Despite all of our brokenness Jesus' love rains down to wash away our sins and make us new again.
On that day the Lord their God will rescue his people, just as a shepherd rescues his sheep. They will sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown. ~ Zachariah 9:16