Backyard Nature Study

Psalm 19:1-4

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the end of the world."

Change is Beautiful

This weekend we went to Lost Maples State Natural Area to see the changing colors of the Maple Trees. This state natural area near Vanderpool pays tribute to this tenacious hardwood whose colorful fall foliage draws tens of thousands of leaf-peepers each fall. Patches of the bigtooth maple (Acer grandidentatum Nutt) are also found in western Oklahoma, northern Mexico and the mountains of the western U.S., with the largest concentration of bigtooths covering large swaths of mountain forests east of Salt Lake City, Utah. After visiting family in San Antonio Saturday we drove to River Bend on the Frio River and spent the night. The next morning we took part of the Texas Highway Hillcountry Trail--FM 377 from Leakey to Vanderpool to Lost Maples then continued home through Medina and Bandera. If you've never done this you should definitely pack up the family and go. It's not too late to go even this year. Texas Highways published a story about the fall colors around the state with Lost Maples included in the write up. When we were there they said only 50 percent of the trees had turned. It was spectacular. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. The first picture is at River Bend on the Frio. The rest were taken at Lost Maples.


Mimi said...

WOW!! Those are fabulous pictures! Wonderful photography!

Oma Gayle said...

You are doing a great job and making God's amazing creation come
alive in the minds of your children. GREAT JOB !!



Oma Gayle said...

Hey again,

The fall leaves are just beautiful--BUT, even more beautiful are those
two little gifts from Heaven. They are getting good at posing. I love
the one of the two of them on TOP of the big ROCK--they "ROCK."
Also, the one of Lilly with her chin on her shoulder--that is a million
dollar smile.

Love & blessings,


regina wRites said...

these pics are SO GOOD!!!!

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