Backyard Nature Study

Psalm 19:1-4

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the end of the world."

Funniest Squirrel Ever

This is "Little Lady". She is a young squirrel that frequently comes to visit. She is quite the comic and very friendly. Her behavior is different from all the other squirrels in our yard. However, she is the only female we've seen. When she shows up 4 male squirrels come tromping in and she just ignores them. She plays with rocks... by throwing them in the air and rolling around like she's going to catch it while laying down. She doesn't appear to be scared of us either. She treats us kind of like the boy squirrels in her life--"You again?! Okay... watch my cute tricks!". Hopefully she'll stay a while and we can get a video of her cuteness. The kids love watching her more than the birds. Pocahontas thinks we should try to tame her and dress her like the "Lizard Whisperer" does with her lizards. Hmm--that's not
quite the type of nature study I'd intended. But hey.... if she can catch her and dress her; who am I to discourage her creativity? ;) "P" actually laid on the swing for 45 minutes this afternoon hoping she'd come visit. She was disappointed her Little Lady didn't show up. This could be a good lesson in perseverance. Somehow, I think Little Lady may win this one.


Meleah said...

Sorry the music didn't download. Think "Funky Town" from the Chipmunk's movie. :)

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